Document Quality Review

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Review of Timesheets: 390 Operations will perform quality review of timesheets submitted by caregivers. 390 Operations staff will even provide feedback to the caregiver about their timesheets. Timesheets can be rejected if completed incorrectly or are partially. In this case a letter is generated using the Mail2Print service notifying the caregiver that their timesheet was not accepted and that corrections need to be made. Additionally 390 Operations will make phone calls to the caregivers about their timesheets.

Review of Payroll Papers: 390 Operations ensures that payroll papers match with the submitted timesheets. Additionally, 390 Operations performs investigative work should any discrepancies or questions arise by payroll recipients.

Review of Other forms: On an ad-hoc or regular bases 390 Operations can undertake the review of various forms or documents that require Quality Assurance.